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Swift - protocol method signature based on associatedtype

Is it in Swift, like in TypeScript possible to define a struct where the methods depend on the generics?

protocol UseCase {
  associatedtype Request
  associatedtype Response
  func execute(controller: () throws -> Request) async throws -> Response

If Request is Void , the protocol should return a different method signature.

func execute() async throws -> Response

I would write a protocol extension with where Request == Void :

extension UseCase where Request == Void {
    func execute() async throws -> Response {
        try await execute {}

When Request is Void , you can still call execute(controller:) , but you can also call the parameterless execute() .

When you conform to the protocol, you would need to implement execute(controller:) , but this isn't a big problem, since you can just ignore the parameter.

Your contract would be a lie, violating the Liskov substitution principle . You can get around it with an underscore and a default parameter, but I recommend against it.

Also, I think you want Never , not Voidthat's what Apple does .

struct JuiceCase: UseCase {
  func execute(
    controller _: () throws -> Never = { fatalError() }
  ) async throws -> String {

I'm trying to figure out what Cristik is saying in the comments but don't get it. What I see here is JuiceCase not semantically conforming to UseCase , even though it syntactically does. My interpretation of "substitutability" is that both must be correct—ie saying that JuiceCase is a UseCase is a lie, even though the compiler currently has no mechanism to verify that.

let juiceCase = JuiceCase()
try await juiceCase.execute() // "🧃"
let useCase: some UseCase = juiceCase
try await useCase.execute { fatalError() } // "🧃"

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