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JQuery Flexigrid plug-in in ASP.Net

I've got an ASP.Net project with C# and have a Repeater Control on an aspx page that builds up an html table by iterating over a datasource. I want to use the JQuery Flexigrid plug-in to make the table scrollable, but have been unable to figure out how to make it work due to lack of documentation on the plug-in. Does anyone know how to do this, or have sample code to share?

A simple google search "asp.net+flexigrid" gave me this and this

I must also mention that support looks to be thin on the ground for flexigrid so you maybe better looking at the better documented jqGrid

I have never used Flexigrid myself however after looking at the samples on the site I'll offer my suggestions.

It looks like what you need to create with your repeater is a properly formatted html table with at least a thead and tbody section.

<table id="mytable">
        <td>table data 1</td>
        <td>table data 2</td>

Once done, making a simple call to the following should create the Flexigrid table with the default settings:


From there you can pass in what looks to be a ton of options to make it look as pretty as you want.

As for the repeater itself, there are a bunch of ways to set it up depending on what you need. Probably the simplest way is as follows:

    <th><asp:label id="header1" runat="server"></asp:label></th>
    <th><asp:label id="header2" runat="server"></asp:label></th>
<asp:repeater id="myrepeater" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="myrepeater_ItemDataBound">
      <td><asp:label id="data1" runat="server"></asp:label></td>
      <td><asp:label id="data2" runat="server"></asp:label></td>

And your data bind event would look something like this:

public void myrepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
  myDataObject = e.Item.DataItem;
  Label data1 = e.Item.FindControl("data1");
  Label data2 = e.Item.FindControl("data2");

  data1.Text = myDataObject.data1;
  data2.Text = myDataObject.data2;

Don't try to reference the table by id , you're better off using a class to identify the table. If you look at the page source you'll see that the table id isn't mytable - it's mangled by ASP.NET depending on your page structure.

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