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Azure Iterate through Blobs in a container

I'm trying through iterate through blobs from a container, but I'm getting errors. I'm using the following code from Microsoft Docs: One of the main errors I'm getting is when calling the ToListAsync() method

// Iterate through the blobs in a container
List<BlobItem> segment = await blobContainer.GetBlobsAsync(prefix: "").ToListAsync();
foreach (BlobItem blobItem in segment)
    BlobClient blob = blobContainer.GetBlobClient(blobItem.Name);
    // Check the source file's metadata
    Response<BlobProperties> propertiesResponse = await blob.GetPropertiesAsync();
    BlobProperties properties = propertiesResponse.Value;
    // Check the last modified date and time
    // Add the blob to the list if has been modified since the specified date and time
    if (DateTimeOffset.Compare(properties.LastModified.ToUniversalTime(), transferBlobsModifiedSince.ToUniversalTime()) > 0)

These are the errors: 在此处输入图像描述


From https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/azure/sdk/pagination#use-systemlinqasync-with-asyncpageable

The System.Linq.Async package provides a set of LINQ methods that operate on IAsyncEnumerable<T> type. Because AsyncPageable<T> implements IAsyncEnumerable<T> , you can use System.Linq.Async to query and transform the data.

So make sure you have the System.Linq.Async package included in your project, along with a using System.Linq.Async; directive in your C# file.

Just be aware that there's a reason this is using an IAsyncEnumerable<> : if you have a lot of blobs it might be better to stream your way through the collection rather than loading all the values into an in-memory list.

IAsyncEnumerable<BlobItem> segment = blobContainer.GetBlobsAsync(prefix: "");
await foreach (BlobItem blobItem in segment)

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