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Visual Studio F# Intellisense stopped working

VS Pro F# compiler still works. Correct F# code still runs. BUT hovering over a function or symbol in a VS window presenting F# code no longer causes its type to appear as a tool-tip.

For no reason I can discern my Visual Studio Pro has stopped live-checking my F# code. No idea why the change. I can still compile and of course type errors are still emitted.

  • Any idea where it is controlled in VS Pro?

  • Any ideas why F# Intellisense might suddenly NOT work in VS Pro?

Thank you!

This issue may reappear in the future so I will not mark any answer as final. If you have a fix that works then please state the version of Visual Studio and F# Tools (found in the About Visual Studio pop-up) with your answer


  • Visual Studio 17.23
  • Visual F# Tools 17.1.0-beta.2253.3

As Bent Tranberg noted the F# Github repo has a discussion " F# intellisense sometimes stops working #12982 ". Looks like a fix will be pushed into the next update of F# (Visual Studio).

But what worked for me was to both:

  • close and restart Visual Studio
  • Recompile your project (need not be error-free)

After this my Intellisense tooltips would appear.

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