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How do I correctly pass values down a widget tree in dart?

I want to create a chart widget which has three required properties.

Min value
Max value

so I can create multiple chart widget's in a Listview like this:

class home extends StatefulWidget {
  const home({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<home> createState() => _homeState();

class _homeState extends State<home> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: ListView(children: [gaugeChart(0, 100, cpuUsage), gaugeChart(0, 100, memoryUsage)]),

Inside the gaugeChart widget is a customPainter widget which needs the min, max and value at the end. If the value changes inside the setState it should update the widgets. So here's my question: How can I pass down these values to the customPainter function.

gaugeChart widget:

class gaugeChart extends StatefulWidget {
  State<gaugeChart> createState() => _gaugeChartState();

class _gaugeChartState extends State<gaugeChart> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return CustomPaint(
      painter: gaugeChartPainter(),

class gaugeChartPainter extends CustomPainter {
  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    // Inside here I need the min, max and value


I would suggest using Provider state management library.

First you need to define the provider in your main.dart. For example, wrap your MaterialApp in a MultiProvider widget and then define the providers property:

      create: (_) => MyClass(),
  1. Create a model class and a getter for each of your properties (make sure your class implements ChangeNotifier):

     class MyClass with ChangeNotifier { // property here }
  2. Inside of your build method in your stateful widget, make the provider listen to the changes: myClass= Provider.of<MyClass?>(context);

You can then access any of the properties that you defined in MyClass above throughout the whole app, with just adding the line of code from step 2 above.

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