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How do I get the input value from a angular form using javascript

I'm a client from a SaaS in which I can custom code with JS.

With this custom JS feature, I'm trying to extend this form page by validating the typed in data.

I found out that jQuery is available and it looks like they use Angular, which is why I'm struggling cuz I only and barely know JS.

Can I get the input value, in the case Andrew, from the form field 'First Name'?

This is the HTML snippet

<div class="form-group ng-scope" id="" ng-if="[true, undefined].includes(entitiesDataVisibility["c1b99979-6b13-51a3-9c0e-ccb878e76655"])">

<label for="field_56657680-c963-45b1-838c-9894dcdb09d0">First Name<span class="required">*</span>

<input id="field_56657680-c963-45b1-838c-9894dcdb09d0" ng-model="entitiesData["c1b99979-6b13-51a3-9c0e-ccb878e76655"]" class="form-control ng-valid ng-not-empty ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-touched" type="text" name="6da5a22b-8d81-4f76-9e9b-0441e5d48a39">


If I try to Query Select the input by name (the id is dynamical for some reason) with


I then get:

我对如何获取 viewValue 没有任何线索,请帮忙

I apologize if it's too basic :(

assuming the id doesn't change then


that should get the value for you

but if you afer validation angular has build in validaton that would better suited than jquery, look at using somthing like so

import { FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
 searchform = new FormGroup({
    search: new FormControl('', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(3)]),

  get searchControls() {
    return this.searchform.controls;
<form class="form-inline" [formGroup]="searchform">
      placeholder="Enter some data"
      #search />
            && searchControls['search'].invalid" 
      class="alert alert-danger">
              && searchControls['search'].errors['required']">
      Name is required.
              && searchControls['search'].errors['minlength']">
      Name should be 3 character.

I hope this helps

Assuming following:

  • name and id attribute are dynamic
  • label text has always exact value. ie First Name
  • Input element is always below label field.

You can get the value by $('.form-group label:contains(First Name)').next().val()

So above code will find the label element containing First Name label element and selects the sibling element below it ie Input Element

JSfiddle Link

Hope that helps!

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