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Korge gradle setup for JVM target

I want to try the Korge libs on the JVM. I used the Korge IntelliJ plugin to create a new project. My build.gradle.kts looks like this :

import com.soywiz.korge.gradle.*

buildscript {
  val korgePluginVersion: String by project

  repositories {
      maven { url = uri("https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/") }
  dependencies {


korge {
  id = "amap3.amap3"

I've copied the commonMain code into the jvmMain folder and running the project with the runJvm command. I've looked into the examples on the korge doc and github, but i can't manage to solve the following silly question : If I have a java dependency from maven, let's say


where do I put it in this file ?

Thank you very much for your attention

I can't find the answer in the documentation either, but after going through the Gradle plugin source files, it appears that they are using the addDependency function in the korge {} block. In your case it would look something like this:

korge {
  id = "amap3.amap3"

  addDependency("jvmMainImplementation", "com.google.code.gson:gson:2.9.0")

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