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What is the most efficient way of virtualize large data?

I have a list of cards that contains charts, images on it. Since the chart data and image requests slowdown my application, I thought to follow a virtualization technique. I'm currently using ngx-perfect-scrollbar and I'm about to use the virtual scrolling feature of it. But I need to know is there a better and faster way that I can visualize the data without lagging the application?'

Below is the code snippet I'm using the create the cards and a sample image of the interface.

<perfect-scrollbar class="{{isMobileDevice ? 'mobile-perfect-scrollbar' : ''}}">
                <div class="wl_tile_container_holder">
                    <div *ngFor="let item of rowData" class="wl_tile_container" (click)="onClickTileView(item)">
                        <app-watchlist-tile [data]="item"



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