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How to execute a command with a cron?

I have a problem with the execution of the symfony command on ovh.

  • I created a command and sh script :
/usr/local/php7.4/bin/php -d display_errors=on ${HOME}/bin/console alertconn
  • I defined my Cron in the OVH table "Scheduled Tasks - Cron"
  • checkconnection.sh is executable (chmod 777)

In the logs I have this result:

[2022-06-28 16:15:05] ## OVH ## START - 2022-06-28 16:15:05.021447 executing: /usr/local/php7.4/bin/php /homez.804/yourcad/www/your_card_admin/src/Command/Cron/checkconnection.sh 
[2022-06-28 16:15:05] /usr/local/php7.4/bin/php -d display_errors=on ${HOME}/bin/console alertconn
[2022-06-28 16:15:05] ## OVH ## END - 2022-06-28 16:15:05.092780 exitcode: 0

Thanks in advance for the help

In the panel you have to put directly the path of your php file (the bin/console file), i suppose it's just a string and you can add your arguments after.

OVH Cron 面板

In the logs you shown the server launch you sh file with the php executor.

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