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MockK Kotlin: Verification failed: call 1 of 1: was not called

I'm trying to essentially test whether a specific method in my class calls a different method properly. I'll remove all unneeded code, so basically my code is as follows:

public class Monitor {
   protected void onMessage(String message) {
     Log.d(TAG, "Detected the message")

  protected void changeOptions() {
      Log.d("Reached changeOptions() method");
class MonitorTest {

    private lateinit var mymonitor : Monitor

    @MockK private lateinit var mockContext : Context

    fun setup() {
        init(this, relaxed = true)
        every { anyConstructed<Monitor>().getApplicationContext() } returns mockContext
        mymonitor = Monitor()


    fun test_onMessage() {
        val testString : String = "hello"

        verify(exactly = 1) {mymonitor.changeOptions());


However, with this code I get the following error:

    java.lang.AssertionError: Verification failed: call 1 of 1: Monitor(mockkConstructor<Monitor>()).changeOptions() was not called.

    Calls to same mock:
    1) Monitor(mockkConstructor<Monitor>()).getApplicationContext()
    2) Monitor(mockkConstructor<Monitor>()).onMessage("hello")

Is there any advice on this?

Note: I KNOW the changeOptions() method is being called because in my terminal output, it prints:

TAG "Detected the message"
TAG "Reached changeOptions() method"

In order to be able to verify the execution, the class must be a mock or a spy, in your case spy applies since you need the real code to be executed, it would look like this:

fun setup() {
    init(this, relaxed = true)
    every { anyConstructed<Monitor>().getApplicationContext() } returns mockContext
    mymonitor = spyK(Monitor())

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