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Unable to set Checkbox to Checked after refreshing and storing in Local Storage

I am currently facing an issue where I am unable to set a input box to stay checked after a refresh. I have stored the values in the local storage, even though the value is stored in the local storage; the checkbox does not remain checked. Please do help me on this! Thank you

Here is the html code:

      <div style="color: #005e95">
        <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxFullDownload" data-dojo-attach-event="onClick: _test" style="cursor: pointer;"  >
        Full Download

Here is the JS code:

_test: function(){
        let checkBox = document.getElementById("checkboxFullDownload")

        if(localStorage.getItem(`${xmlTitle} ID:${this.item._id}`) === "AllowFullDownload"){
          console.log("set to true")

          localStorage.setItem(`${xmlTitle} ID:${this.item._id}`,"AllowFullDownload")
          checkBox.checked = true;
          localStorage.removeItem(`${xmlTitle} ID:${this.item._id}`)

If you want to check the checkbox on pageload then localStorage.getItem() must be out of scope of any functions which are executed on certain events.

 let checkBox = document.getElementById("checkboxFullDownload");
_test: function() {
  if (checkBox.checked) {
    localStorage.setItem(`${xmlTitle} ID:${this.item._id}`, "AllowFullDownload");
    checkBox.checked = true;

  if (!checkBox.checked) {
    localStorage.removeItem(`${xmlTitle} ID:${this.item._id}`);
    checkBox.checked = false;
if (localStorage.getItem(`${xmlTitle} ID:${_test.item._id}`) === "AllowFullDownload") {
    checkBox.checked = true;
    console.log("set to true");

checkBox.setAttribute("checked",true)替换为checkBox.checked = true

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