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.env file didn't copy into docker container on AWS EB

I have the following project structure locally

|-- docker-compose.yml |-- docker-entrypoint.sh |-- Dockerfile |-- nginx | `-- loc | `-- nginx.conf |-- poetry.lock |-- pyproject.toml `-- src |-- my_project | |-- asgi.py | |-- __init__.py | |-- settings.py | |-- urls.py | `-- wsgi.py |-- __init__.py |-- manage.py |--.env

In Dockerfile I have the following line COPY /src/ /workdir/

Elastic Beanstalk takes env variable and stores them in .env file by the following path /var/app/current then when the container has been built, the env file wasn't copied inside. I made a workaround by copying .env file COPY.env /workdir/ but it doesn't look like a good solution. Should I move everything from /src folder to one level above?

Make sure you do not have the .env file in your .gitignore , .ebignore , or your .dockerignore , otherwise it will not get copied.

Here is a link to the Elastic Beanstalk documentation regarding how the .env file is handled with regards to Docker deployments:


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