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Force apply with kubectl apply despite no changes

kubectl apply does not apply since the file does not change, below is the content mci.yaml (just for reference, not essential).

apiVersion: networking.gke.io/v1
kind: MultiClusterIngress
  name: terraback-ingress
  namespace: terraback
        serviceName: terraback-mcs
        servicePort: 4000

Below is the command and response

(base) PS D:\terraform_small\terra-back> kubectl apply -f mci.yaml
multiclusteringress.networking.gke.io/terraback-ingress unchanged

But I need it to force apply, since terraback-mcs has changed, but is there a way to force apply despite no changes with kubectl apply ?

In this case, you do not need to update the Ingress spec since neither the service name nor port has changed. But if you really to force a replacement, you can try: kubectl replace -f mci.yaml --force

Below is the command and response

(base) PS D:\terraform_small\terra-back> kubectl apply -f mci.yaml

-f doesn't mean force - it means file, you need --force , so:

kubectl apply -f mci.yaml --force

See apply docs :


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