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How to add the directory of a batch file to Windows PATH?

I have some Python code, developed for Linux, from a repository that I would prefer not to change. The code uses the subprocess Python module to call a command line tool named colmap .

To get this code working under Windows, I installed colmap , added the bin folder containing colmap.exe to the PATH as well as the parent folder which contains the file COLMAP.bat . I then also had to change the Python code to run colmap.bat instead of colmap via subprocess.run .
The latter step I would like to avoid, as it would make the Python code incompatible with Linux/Mac and I would like to avoid adding an OS check via platform.system() .

Is there a way to add colmap.exe to the PATH , so that it can be called via colmap by cmd.exe ?

Like I said, the bin folder is already on the PATH . I already unsuccessfully tried to create a shortcut to COLMAP.bat with the name colmap as well as renaming COLMAP.bat to colmap .

This is the content of the batch file:

set SCRIPT_PATH=%~dp0


set COMMAND=%1
if "%1"=="" goto after_extract_argument_loop
goto extract_argument_loop

if "%COMMAND%"=="" set COMMAND=gui

if "%COMMAND%"=="" set COMMAND=gui

set "colmapexe="
for /f "delims=" %%b in ('where colmap.exe') do if not defined colmapexe set "colmapexe=%%b"

if defined colmapexe ("%colmapexe" %COMMAND% %ARGUMENTS%) else echo Colmap.exe not found&pause

should work by locating colmap.exe and installing it in the variable colmapexe

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