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Android studio SDK installation issue in Windows 11

I have downloaded latest version of Android Studio (Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1 Patch 1) and trying to install on Windows 11. Installation went successful, but I am getting the following issue during the SDK setup,


It showed, all three are installed but actually none of them are installed. Also, all the check-boxes against them are disabled, I am not able to check any check-boxes. It says "Android SDK is up to date" when I click "Next".


But, on clicking "New Project", I am getting the SDK missing error,


On clicking "Open SDK Manager", I found that the Android SDK location was missing,


Since SDK is not installed (I have already physically verified), I am landing at the "SDK Component Setup" again and whole cycle was getting repeated. I have already tried uninstalling and re-installing multiple times but not getting any better luck. I searched for solution for more than 4 hours, at last, I am posting my issue here. I will be highly thankful for any help with this.

I had the same problem I tried using vpn and then android studio started downloading sdk.

I have already solved this issue. The problem was with the firewall. Once restrictions with the firewall were relaxed, everything started working then.

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