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How to restart Flutter app on android without closing and opening the app again?

How to restart Flutter app on android without closing and opening the app again?

i use these MyApp.restartApp() and SystemNavigator.pop()

but the problem is that it is not user friendly, me too as i develope the application closing and re opening the app is bit anoying.

i dont know the proper term on what my point is but you may get my idea.

Try this: I use this when i need to restart app for example internet is restored after being down

in your main

runApp(const RestartWidget(child: const MyApp()));

create restart widget

class _RestartWidgetState extends State<RestartWidget> {
  Key key = UniqueKey();

  void restartApp() {
    setState(() {
      key = UniqueKey();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return KeyedSubtree(
      key: key,
      child: widget.child,

then in your main add this

runApp(const RestartWidget(child: const MyApp()));

Then to trigger restart say in a button

onTap: (){

如果您在 IDE 中,当您的应用程序正在运行时,您可以尝试通过按rR键来执行热重载热重启

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