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Dependency injected IHttpContextAccessor is null

When I try to call this service and the method GetOrganization() within the http context accessor is null. What could cause the problem?

public class ShopService
    private static IHttpContextAccessor? _httpContextAccessor;

    public ShopService(IHttpContextAccessor? httpContextAccessor)
        _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
    public static async Task<Organization?> GetOrganization(EnvironmentType environment)
             string? accessToken;
            if (_httpContextAccessor?.HttpContext != null)
                accessToken = GetToken();
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            // ... other unimportant code

This calls the method from the service:

                Organization = User?.Identities.FirstOrDefault()?.AuthenticationType switch
                    "Google" => ShopService.GetOrganization(EnvironmentType.Google).Result,
                    // other unimportant code

I have this in startup: builder.Services.AddHttpContextAccessor(); builder.Services.AddScoped<ShopService>();

Am I missing something why does it not work? Am I supposed to add something in startup, other than the ShopService

Thank you for all your suggestions. I removed the 'static' from the method and added this wherever I needed the service @inject ShopService _shopService

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