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Saving data from DB and then using it in body for API in cypress

I am trying to save a token from DB and pass the token in the next API request in the body I have written the below code but it's not working, please help.

 it.only('Change Password', () => { cy.ResetPassAPI(globalThis.data.dradminemail);// this generates a token in DB const resetoken = cy.task( 'queryDb', `select _Token from tokens WHERE _Member_Id = 25372 and _Token_Type = "resetPassword" ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1`,); // saving the token from DB generate from above cy.request({ method: 'PATCH', url: 'https://xxx/xx/xx/changePasswordWithToken', body: { confirmPassword: 'xxx', password: 'xx', token: resetoken, //passing the saved token from database uid: 1234, }, }); });

You can use Cypress.env() for this.

it.only('Change Password', () => {
  cy.ResetPassAPI(globalThis.data.dradminemail) // this generates a token in DB
  const resetoken = cy.task(
    `select _Token from tokens WHERE _Member_Id = 25372 and _Token_Type = "resetPassword" ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1`
  ) // saving the token from DB generate from above
  Cypress.env('token', resetoken.slice(12,48))

    method: 'PATCH',
    url: 'https://xxx/xx/xx/changePasswordWithToken',
    body: {
      confirmPassword: 'xxx',
      password: 'xx',
      token: Cypress.env('token'), //passing the saved token from database
      uid: 1234,

After Slicing: 切片后

You have the wrong syntax for cy.task()

Instead of

const resetoken = cy.task(...)

it should be

cy.task(...).then(resetoken => {

Full test:

it('Change Password', () => {
  const query = 'select _Token from tokens WHERE _Member_Id = 25372 and _Token_Type = "resetPassword" ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1';
  cy.task('queryDb', query)
    .then(queryResult => {
      const resetoken = queryResult._Token;
        method: 'PATCH',
        url: 'https://xxx/xx/xx/changePasswordWithToken',
        body: {
          confirmPassword: 'xxx',
          password: 'xx',
          token: resetoken,  
          uid: 1234,

You probably don't need the token anywhere else, once the PATCH has been sent.

You can save it as an alias and then access it later with calling alias or using this keyword within function(){} instead of arrow function () => {}

// use function{} instead of () => {}
it.only('Change Password', function() {
      `select _Token from tokens WHERE _Member_Id = 25372 and _Token_Type = "resetPassword" ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1`,)
      // task returns token so we save it with alias


      method: 'PATCH',
      url: 'https://xxx/xx/xx/changePasswordWithToken',
      body: {
        confirmPassword: 'xxx',
        password: 'xx',
        token: this.resetToken, 
        uid: 1234,

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