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How to run a command inside a docker container from a jenkins script

I have a jenkins script that looks like this:

    pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'machine'
    stages {
        stage('GC Open Build') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                    docker run -i --rm \
                       -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
                       -e USER_NAME=$(id -un) \
                       -e GROUP_NAME=$(id -gn) \
                       -e HOME \
                       -v $HOME:$HOME \
                       -v /PROJ:/PROJ:shared \
                       -v /srv:/srv \
                       -w $PWD \
                       bash | hostname

It executes successfully, but the hostname it displays is not the docker container, but the machine on which it runs.

If I try with '-t' in the docker run command, then I get "the input device is not a tty":

pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'machine'
    stages {
        stage('GC Open Build') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                    docker run -it --rm \
                       -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
                       -e USER_NAME=$(id -un) \
                       -e GROUP_NAME=$(id -gn) \
                       -e HOME \
                       -v $HOME:$HOME \
                       -v /PROJ:/PROJ:shared \
                       -v /srv:/srv \
                       -w $PWD \
                       bash | hostname

the input device is not a TTY ERROR: script returned exit code 1

Any suggestions to be able to run a set of commands (other than "hostname" from inside the docker container?

Thank you!

Jenkins has native Docker support available for declarative pipelines . So you can either use your Docker image as an agent or you can use the Docker step.

Using the image as an agent.

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'gradle:6.7-jdk11'
                    // Run the container on the node specified at the
                    // top-level of the Pipeline, in the same workspace,
                    // rather than on a new node entirely:
                    reuseNode true
            steps {
                sh 'gradle --version'

Using docker step

docker.image('mysql:5').inside("--link ${c.id}:db") {
            /* Wait until mysql service is up */
            sh 'while ! mysqladmin ping -hdb --silent; do sleep 1; done'

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