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Vuelidate required champ input Email OR NumberMobile

i would like to know how I can validate the form once the phone number or email address has been completed. I don't really understand how to use or with vualidate, I looked at the document and some forum I didn't find someone in the same case as me.
My code : https://www.noelshack.com/2022-27-5-1657285356-screen1.png
Error : http://www.noelshack.com/2022-27-5-1657285360-screen2.png
If anyone can help me please <3

There is several ways to do it, what you can do is to make email and phone to required BUT you have another property hasProvidedAtLeastOneContact that check if at least one of them has a value.

import useVuelidate from '@vuelidate/core'
import { required, email } from '@vuelidate/validators'

import { helpers } from '@vuelidate/validators'

const phoneValidator = (value) => !helpers.req(value) || value.includes('01') // customize here your validator

export default {
  setup () {
    return { v$: useVuelidate() }
  data () {
    return {
      firstName: 'Jack',
      lastName: 'Smith',
      contact: {
        email: '',
        phone: ''
  computed: {
    hasProvidedAtLeastOneContact() {
        return !!this.contact.email || !!this.contact.phone
  methods: {
    async validate() {
        console.log(await this.v$.$validate())
  validations () {
    return {
      firstName: { required }, // Matches this.firstName
      lastName: { required }, // Matches this.lastName
      contact: {
        email: { email }, // Matches this.contact.email
        phone: { phoneValidator } // Matches this.contact.phone
      hasProvidedAtLeastOneContact: {
        isTrue: (value) => value
      } // Matches this.hasProvidedAtLeastOneContact


        <input v-model="firstName">
        <input v-model="lastName">
        <input v-model="contact.email">
        <input v-model="contact.phone">
        <button @click="checkValidation">Validate</button>


You can also have a similar result with dynmamic rules but I think it's a bit more complex https://vuelidate-next.netlify.app/examples.html#dynamic-validation-schema

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