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Kubernetes client C#: Failed to pull image: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: pull access denied for

I'm trying to build a Kube.netes job on the fly by using the Kube.netes client in C# ( https://github.com/kube.netes-client/csharp ). I get an error when the job is trying to pull the image from the repo.

The image I'm trying to attach to the job is situated in the local docker repo. Deploying the job to the namespace is no problem; this works just fine, but during the build is throws an error in Lens (see image).


The code for building the job:

        var job = new V1Job
            ApiVersion = "batch/v1",
            Kind = "Job",
            Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta
                Name = name,
                Labels = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
            Spec = new V1JobSpec
                BackoffLimit = backoffLimit,
                TtlSecondsAfterFinished = 0,
                Template = new V1PodTemplateSpec
                    Spec = new V1PodSpec
                        Tolerations = new List<V1Toleration>(),
                        Volumes = new List<V1Volume>
                            new V1Volume
                                Name = "podinfo",
                                DownwardAPI = new V1DownwardAPIVolumeSource
                                    Items = new V1DownwardAPIVolumeFile[]
                                        new V1DownwardAPIVolumeFile { Path = "namespace", FieldRef = new V1ObjectFieldSelector("metadata.namespace") },
                                        new V1DownwardAPIVolumeFile { Path = "name", FieldRef = new V1ObjectFieldSelector("metadata.name") },
                        Containers = new[]
                            new V1Container
                                Name = "tapereader-job-x-1",
                                Image = "tapereader_sample_calculation",
                                Resources = new V1ResourceRequirements
                                    Limits = new Dictionary<string, ResourceQuantity>
                                        { "cpu", new ResourceQuantity("4") },
                                        { "memory", new ResourceQuantity("4G") },
                                    Requests = new Dictionary<string, ResourceQuantity>
                                        { "cpu", new ResourceQuantity("0.5") },
                                        { "memory", new ResourceQuantity("2G") },
                                VolumeMounts = new List<V1VolumeMount>
                                    new V1VolumeMount { Name = "podinfo", MountPath = "/etc/podinfo", ReadOnlyProperty = true },
                                Env = new List<V1EnvVar>(),
                        RestartPolicy = "Never",

        await Client.CreateNamespacedJobAsync(job, "local-tapereader");

The container is ok, it is present in Docker Desktop (local repo) and I can build & run it without any problems - it also executes the way it should in Docker desktop.


The k8s client creates the pod & job successfully but I get the following error in Lens: 在此处输入图像描述

So basically, it states that access was denied? How can I overcome this issue?

I already tried to add creds but this doesn't work

kubectl create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=pathto.docker\config.json --type=kube.netes.io/dockerconfigjson


I actually ran the following, like zero0 suggested:

kubectl create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\.docker\config.json --type=kube.netes.io/dockerconfigjson

Are you specifying the correct path for config.json? If you ran the command you've provided, that is not valid. You have to determine the correct path for this.

  1. On windows this will be C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\.docker\config.json
  2. On Mac this will be at /Users/<USER_NAME>/.docker/config.json
  3. On Linux this will be at /home/<USER_NAME>/.docker/config.json

You will then run:

kubectl create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<PATH_HERE> --type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

Found the solution. The image resides in the local repo of Docker Desktop. Because of this the image doesn't have to be pulled. To avoid the image pull, the parameter ImagePullPolicy of the Container object should be equal to "Never" .

new V1Container
 ImagePullPolicy = "Never",
 Name = name,
 Image = image,

Here the best possible answer is to copy the username and password and encode them into base64 into the.dockerconfigjson and copy the whole.dockerconfigjson file and convert it into base64 and copy that encoded text and paste in YAML and apply. Now your deployment will be successfully deployed

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