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Property 'initGradient' does not exist on type

I am building a website with react and typescript. I am having trouble implementing a gradient background that I found on -"https://kevinhufnagl.com/how-to-stripe-website-gradient-effect/". When I initialise the gradient, I am getting an error " Property 'initGradient' does not exist on type 'Gradient' " The error is raised at 'initGradient' in the code below

This is the code I have written: `

function App() {
  <script src="./Gradient"></script>;
  const gradient = new Gradient();
  return (

        className="absolute w-50 h-50"

export default App;`

I have created a file 'Gradient.js' which has the code taken from the website linked above. I have also implemented the necessary styling in App.css

I have used the same code to create a website using standard HTML and CSS and was able to implement it correctly. However, I am now trying to build the site in React and Typescript. I have also used tailwind in this project. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated cause I've spent way too long trying to implement this! Thanks!

It looks like you are trying to import the Gradient.js file by using a script tag? If thats the case, you should use a module import.

import gradient from './Gradient'

function App() {

  return (

        className="absolute w-50 h-50"

export default App;`

As for the gradient.initGradient("#gradient-canvas"); I would have to see the actual Gradient.js file to see if that would work.

I spent about 6 hours today using various mesh gradient implementations with React before I ended up with this

Gradient component:

 useEffect(() => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            const gradient: any = new Gradient();
        }, 1);
    }, []);
    return <canvas id="gradient-canvas" data-transition-in />;


canvas {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    --gradient-color-1: #c3e4ff;
    --gradient-color-2: #6ec3f4;
    --gradient-color-3: #eae2ff;
    --gradient-color-4: #b9beff;

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