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"IllegalStateException: Only one connection receive subscriber allowed" when response body is empty

I have a Spring Boot 2.3.1 project, in which I use WebClient to call a remote service.

The remote service is not very reliable and tends to return 500 errors, with and without response bodies. My goal is throw a custom exception that contains the response body (or a default message) so that I can log it, and here's my code :

          .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, clientResponse ->
                  .flatMap(error ->
                      Mono.error(new MyCustomServiceException(error))

I have 2 tests using wiremock, the first one works :

  void shouldThrowCustomExceptionWhenServiceReturns500ServerErrorWithNoBody() {
    setStubForInValidCheckCall(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,"{'Error':'invalid request'}");

    Throwable thrown =
        catchThrowable(() -> myClient.performComplianceCheck(getCompany()));

        .hasMessageContaining("{'Error':'invalid request'}");
   private void setStubForInValidCheckCall(HttpStatus httpStatus, String body) {

    var response= aResponse().withStatus(httpStatus.value());



However, the second test in which the response is 500 but there's no body (or if it's an empty string), fails with "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only one connection receive subscriber allowed.

  void shouldThrowCustomExceptionWhenServiceReturns500ServerErrorWithNoBody() {

    Throwable thrown =
        catchThrowable(() -> myClient.performComplianceCheck(getCompany()));

        .hasMessageContaining("service returned status 500");

I am struggling to understand why this happens, and how to fix it..

is it "normal" ? or am I missing something obvious (is it a problem with my test ?) ?

I have found a workaround, but it doesn't feel "webFlux-y" at all, and I still don't understand why the Only one connection receive subscriber allowed was happening :

try {   
 ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =
catch (WebClientException e) {

  if(e instanceof InternalServerError){
    var internalServerError=(InternalServerError) e;


      var respBody=internalServerError.getResponseBodyAsString();

        respBody=MY_STANDARD_MESSAGE +internalServerError.getRawStatusCode() ;

      throw new MyCustomServiceException(respBody);



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