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What are the proper arguments for the generation of a SAS token to connect to Azure eventhub?

While reading this HTTP POST between Postman and EventHub , I was directed to this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/eventhub/generate-sas-token#java

I don't know what resourceUri , keyName , and key to use. Do I use the full URL for the eventHub ?

Maybe somebody here could clarify where to get these three parameters.

But I don't know what resourceUri , keyName , and key to use. Do I use the full url for the eventHub ?

You can get these three parameters from the azure portal as shown in the below screenshot:

--> Goto your EventHub Namespace -->shared access policies--> Select default shared access policy( RootManageSharedAccessKey )-->copy Connection string–primary key .


These are the parameters we need to pass to that method for generating the SAS token.


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