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How to make an MUI 5 checkbox & label change color on hover?

I'd like to have a checkbox with a label in a wrapper. When the wrapper is hovered everything should change color. See the image:


Here is my code:

const styles = {formControlLabel:{
  border: '1px solid white',
  span: {
    color: '#d7dae0', 
    '&:hover':{border: '1px solid red'},

export function MyCheckbox(){
      control={<Checkbox />}

I've tried many different things, but this is the closest I've come. I can't seem to put a '&:hover' on the formControlLabel styles at the top level - it has to be imbedded in another element. Why is that?

Sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/magical-feynman-lzy1e2?file=/src/App.tsx

You need to change your :hover to your parent and set borderColor in the parent and having span inside the :hover parent, it will change to red at the same time

Here is a Sandbox

const styles = {
  formControlLabel: {
    border: "1px solid",
    p: "8px",
    m: "20px",
    "&:hover": {
      borderColor: "red",
      span: {
          color: "red"

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