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JaCoCo Maven plugin generate report in XML format

I am using maven-jacoco-plugin for generating the test coverage. Version used is 0.8.7.

When running the mvn test command, it's generating the report in exec format.

        <!-- Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which is passed as VM argument when Maven
            the Surefire plugin is executed. -->
        <!-- Ensures that the code coverage report for integration tests is created after all tests have been
            run. -->

When I tried adding in configuration tag under using XML, it's giving an error as

Unable to parse configuration of mojo org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report-aggregate for parameter formats: Cannot assign configuration entry 'formats' with value 'XML' of type java.lang.String to property of type java.util.List -> [Help 1]

Can anyone please suggest how to move forward on this?

You must add a format node:


On GitHub you can find examples. Like this: https://github.com/jacoco/jacoco/blob/master/jacoco-maven-plugin.test/it/it-report-select-formats/pom.xml

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