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Why connection to postgres from nodejs is not working?

I have back-end created in nodejs hosted on Debian server using postgres 14. the Nodejs listenning on port 5000, and when I try to connect to postgres using port 5432, I am getting the following reponse from Postman: "Password is invalid". I was trying the postgres role, and to create a new role, and problem is the same. I was installing postgres on my Windows 10 computer, and all works fine in my localhost, but on the remote server not. My Nodejs back-end, and postgres are on the same computer, but each role I've tryed won't connect to the database.

There is pg_hba.conf in /etc/postgres/14 on your server you have to add:

host username database md5

This would allow connection to database from any host to username using password authentication.

Also there is a pg.conf or postgres conf There is line allow_connections the value should be '*'


This would generally allow connections to postgres running on that server

Guide https://coderwall.com/p/cr2a1a/allowing-remote-connections-to-your-postgresql-vps-installation

don't forget you have to reload postgres after config change:

systemctl reload postgres

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