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mysql connection failed with c#

we have many databases(every server one database) with same structure

if i wanna connect to fist server with my code (c# .net 6) its will be connect but when wanna connect to other server cant connect to them. i test ping cmd for other server to test the connection and the server will be response well i dont know what to do . any help ?

heres my code :

using (var con = new MySqlConnection("Server = *****.105; Database = asterisk; Uid = asterisk; Pwd = *******; port=3306;"))







i tried with name and ip,port and test with mysql.data.mysqlclient and mysql.connector library but it doest work !!!!!

heres my exeption :

SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.


IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond..

Use the "SqlConnectionStringBuilder" object to connect to mysql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder can be used to help generate connection strings.

        // Information about connecting to the database
         MySqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();
         builder.UserID = "root";
         builder.Password = "root";
         //server address
         builder.Server = "localhost";
         //database when connecting
         builder.Database = "***";
         //Define the link to the data connection
         MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString);
         // open this link

Redownload mysql:




mysql connection code:

        //Define mysql connection string
         string constring = "data source=localhost;database=test1;user id=root;password=root;pooling=true;charset=utf8;";
         //connect to mysql
         MySqlConnection msc = new MySqlConnection(constring);

Hope it helps you.

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