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Carousel with progress bar in flutter

How can i create a carousel with progress bar in flutter? I browsed through the pub.dev, but i coudn't find anything with that functionality.

I want to have something like this:


You can do like this. (using carousel package)


Ps: I used getx for state management (Obx, controller other in snippet), you can change code to setState or other state management..

    return Stack( 
       alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, 
       children: [ 
           itemCount: controller.pics.length, 
           options: CarouselOptions( 
             height: 300, 
             viewportFraction: 1, 
             initialPage: 0, 
             autoPlay: false, 
             enlargeCenterPage: false, 
             autoPlayCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn, 
             scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, 
             onPageChanged: (index, reason) => 
                 controller.activePicIndex.value = index, 
           itemBuilder: (context, itemIndex, pageViewIndex) => Padding( 
             padding: Paddings.p32, 
             child: Image.asset( 
               fit: BoxFit.contain, 
           mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, 
           children: controller.pics 
                 (element) => Obx( 
                   () => AnimatedContainer( 
                     curve: Curves.easeOutExpo, 
                     margin: Paddings.p8.copyWith(left: 0, right: 6), 
                     duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500), 
                     decoration: const BoxDecoration( 
                       borderRadius: Radiuses.r8, 
                       color: ColorPalette.black, 
                     child: SizedBox( 
                           controller.activePicIndex.value == element ? 18 : 9, 
                       height: 9, 

Result is

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