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Create gradle file programmatically from build.gradle file

I have an assignment task so I have downloaded the project to implement the task but found in readme file

"you still need to register for an API key and add it to app/local.gradle - see local.gradle.example for details."

and found inside


android {
    defaultConfig {
        buildConfigField "String", "API_KEY", "\"api key\""

and the


was not there

and inside build.gradle file I have found

if (!file("local.gradle").exists()) {
exec {
    commandLine "sh"
    args = ["-c", "cp local.gradle.example local.gradle"]
apply from: "local.gradle"

when I tried to run the project it gives an error says

java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "sh" (in directory "E:\android-assignment-main\app"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

so how to first create local.gradle file? from programmatically from build.gradle

It seems the issue is that you are on Windows and try to run a shell script, which will not work like this.

I would suggest to use Gradle's Copy task to do this:

task copyLocalGradle(type: Copy) {
    if (!file("app/local.gradle").exists()) {
        from 'local.gradle.example'
        into 'app'
        rename 'local.gradle.example', "local.gradle"

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