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How to resolve JasperReports Server (JRS) select boxes auto-close bug (with Firefox and other browsers)?

There's a known bug where JasperReports server (eg version 7.2 , but not 6.3.1 ) report filter select boxes auto-close immediately after clicking them (eg with Firefox 79 till 83 or Waterfox G4.1.2 ).

All the server-side workarounds documented there, mainly CSS fixes, did not help us ( JasperReports Server 7.2 , Firefox 91.11.0esr ), eg:

.jr-mSingleselect-search.jr {  height: auto;  }

(hint: since the their forum is closed for new answers during some weeks-long migration process, it was another motivation to post the question and workaround here ...)

For us ( JasperReports Server 7.2 , Firefox 91.11.0esr ) the following override-custom.css fix helped:

.control.select .ssPlaceholder {  scale: 1.01;  }

It is based on the observation that a client-side page zoom change different from 100% already makes it work.
So with this in place the select-box is zoomed-in by default some tiny bit ( 1.01 times equals 101% zoom for this specific part) which should not really influence the visual layout but
(advantage:) fixes the ill behaviour and no workaround has to be applied on the report developers or clients side .

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