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Why I can't use parent's function in parent's class when using override in child's class?

I have two classes:

class A():
    def __init__(self):

    def func_1(self,a,b):
        #do some stuff
    def other_func(self,a,b):
        if b:
            #do other stuff

class B(A):
    def __init__(self):
    def func_1(self):
        for i in range(10):

When I do this:

b = B()

I get this error:

TypeError: func_1() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given

Why is this and how should this be done? I thought that when calling other_func I would be using func_1 from A and not the override one from B

The error occurs because self is an instance of B , so self.func_1(...) is equivalent to B.func_1(self, ...) .

As for how to fix it, it depends on what func_1 actually does, and what its actual name is for that matter. You could possibly:

  1. Rename one of them
  2. Make a private or class-private copy of A.func_1
    1. Or, if it's not actually used publicly, rename it so that it's private or class-private itself
  3. Use A.func_1(self, a, b) in A.other_func , but that'd prevent other child classes from properly overriding func_1 , so I don't recommend it. I don't think it has any advantages over using a class-private copy.

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