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What is different between Machine learning,Deep learning,transfer learning,meta learning,few shot learning, zero shot learning and one shot learning?


I think there are plenty of good explanations online (way better than mine), but I'll try to explain in on sentence each:

  • ML: Train some kind of algorithm using labeled data eg. for classification
  • DL: subclass of ML using big NN architectures to perform a task eg. classification
  • TL: Use a pretrained architecture and fine-tune it for your use-case using your custom data
  • Few/one/zero shot learning: Use only a few/one/zero new training samples to train your ML algorithm for a new task (used in the area of generalization)
  • Meta learning: Not using eg. labeled data from supervisor but use output of exisiting ML algorithms to train your algorithm - can combine knowledge of different algortithms

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