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Can we use Polly retry instead of ExponentialBackoffRetry in Service Bus Topic Trigger Azure Function?

We are using Service Bus Topic Trigger Azure function, and we're planning to implement a simple behavior in Azure Function, if there is any exception during processing/handling we want to postpone the next retry from some time.

Currently we're planning to use [ExponentialBackoffRetry] attribute, as shown in the below code.

But Can we use Polly retry instead of [ExponentialBackoffRetry] ? Basically which approach would be idle for our requirement - [ExponentialBackoffRetry] or Polly retry

Below is our Service Bus Topic Trigger Azure Function:

 [ExponentialBackoffRetry(5, "00:00:04", "00:01:00")]
 public async Task RunAsync([ServiceBusTrigger("%ServiceBusConfigOptions:TopicEventTypeName%", "%ServiceBusConfigOptions:TopicEventTypeSubscription%",
            Connection = "ServiceBusConfigOptions:ConnectionString")]
            string sbMsg)
                var message = sbMsg.AsPoco<CardGroupEvent>();

                _logger.LogInformation("{class} - {method} - {RequestId} - Start",
                   nameof(CardGroupEventSubscriber), nameof(CardGroupEventSubscriber.RunAsync), message.RequestID);

                _logger.LogInformation($"Started processing message {message.AsJson()} with", nameof(CardGroupEventSubscriber));

                var validationResult = new CardGroupEventValidator().Validate(message);

                if (validationResult.IsValid)
                    await _processor.ProcessAsync(message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Unable to process card group event {sbMsg.AsJson()} with {nameof(CardGroupEventSubscriber)}," +
                    $" ExceptionMessage:{ex.Message}, StackTrace: {ex.StackTrace}");


Polly's policies can be defined and used in an imperative way.
Whereas the ExponentialBackoffRetry attribute can be considered as declarative.

So, let's say you want to define a policy which

  • Do an exponential back-off with jitter
  • Only if a CosmosException is thrown then you do that like this:
const int maxRetryAttempts = 10;
const int maxDelayInMilliseconds = 32 * 1000;
var jitterer = new Random();
var policy = Policy
      retryAttempt =>
          var calculatedDelayInMilliseconds = Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt) * 1000;
          var jitterInMilliseconds = jitterer.Next(0, 1000);

          var actualDelay = Math.Min(calculatedDelayInMilliseconds + jitterInMilliseconds, maxDelayInMilliseconds);
          return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(actualDelay);
  • I have implemented here by my own the exponential back-off
    • The main reason is to reduce the number of packages (so, we don't need the Polly.Contrib.WaitAndRetry )

Now let's apply this to your RunAsync method

public async Task RunAsync([ServiceBusTrigger("%ServiceBusConfigOptions:TopicEventTypeName%", "%ServiceBusConfigOptions:TopicEventTypeSubscription%",
    Connection = "ServiceBusConfigOptions:ConnectionString")]
    string sbMsg)
  => await GetExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(
        async () => await RunCoreAsync(sbMsg));

public async Task RunCoreAsync(string sbMsg)
  • I have moved the original RunAsync 's code into the RunCoreAsync method
  • I have replaced the RunAsync implementation with a one liner which creates the above policy then decorates the RunCoreAsync

Just a side note: In case of CosmosDb it might make sense to handle the rate limiting/throttling in a different way.

When I receive a CosmosException and the StatusCode is 429 then use the RetryAfter 's Value to delay the retry, something like this

var policy = Policy
    .Handle<CosmosException>(ex => ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
       sleepDurationProvider:(_, ex, __) => ((CosmosException)ex).RetryAfter.Value,
       onRetryAsync: (_, __, ___, ____) => Task.CompletedTask);

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