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Return type for *this in a builder-class method - lvalue vs rvalue refence

Suppose I have a "builder" class B which builds a class C , and looks somewhat like the following:

class B {
  // ...
  B& set_foo(Foo a_foo) { foo_ = std::move(a_foo); return *this; }
  C build() const { /* ... */ }

This is all nice and good ... until I think about what happens when my B instance is a temporary. How should I design B to work also as temporary/rvalue, not just as an lvalue?

  • Should I write a set_foo() && variant, returning a B&& ? That would mean replicating lots of methods, and well, DRY .
  • Should I just return B&& to begin with?
  • Should I do something else?

If you happen to be using C++23, there's a feature calleddeducing this , which would allow you to perfectly forward *this , even as a return type.

class B {
  // ...

  template< typename Self >
  decltype(auto) set_foo(this Self&& self, Foo a_foo)
//                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "this" can be specified as
//                                        a forwarding reference!
      self.foo_ = std::move(a_foo);
      return std::forward<Self>(self);

  C build() const { /* ... */ }

In this code, the return type will match whether *this is an l-value, r-value, const and/or volatile .

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