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WPF - PropertyChanged EventHandler not firing

I'm having a problem with subscribing to PropertyChangedEventHandler event of a property on a bound instance of my class.

Here is the setup:


<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding MyObservableClassInstance.BooleanProperty}"/>

DataContext class property:

public MyObservableClass MyObservableClassInstance 
    get { return _myClassInstance; }
        _myClassInstance= value;
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MyObservableClassInstance"));

the initialisation and subscription to PropertyChanged event (this subscribed method is never reached):

MyObservableClassInstance = new MyObservableClass();
MyObservableClassInstance.PropertyChanged += OnMyObservableClassPropertyChanged; // <--- This method is never hit

my observable class: (the BooleanProperty is working normally with the the XAML checkbox binding)

public class MyObservableClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
    bool _mybool = false;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public bool BooleanProperty
        get { return _mybool; }
            _mybool = value;
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("BooleanProperty")); // <--- This is reached normally on checking/unchecking the checkbox

So why is my OnMyObservableClassPropertyChanged method never reached upon Invoking the PropertyChanged event?

You have to attach (and detach) the handler method to the PropertyChanged event whenever the MyObservableClass property value changes.

public MyObservableClass MyObservableClassInstance 
    get { return _myClassInstance; }
        if (_myClassInstance != null)
            _myClassInstance.PropertyChanged -= OnMyObservableClassPropertyChanged;

        _myClassInstance = value;

        if (_myClassInstance != null)
            _myClassInstance.PropertyChanged += OnMyObservableClassPropertyChanged;

            this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(MyObservableClassInstance)));

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