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Can I use github-copilot strait on jupyter-lab/notebook?

I do a lot of stuff over a remote jupyter server. I've been using vscode to run notebooks on those servers because it was the easiest way I could find to develop while using copilot, but it's become rather cumbersome and was hoping for a simpler solution.

Thanks for any help y'all can provide!

Not an answer, but too long for a comment.

There does not seem to be as of mid 2022 an implementation.

Copilot uses an underlying tool, OpenAI Codex, which has a model called codex-davinci-002 , which can do code completion. https://beta.openai.com/docs/models/codex-series-private-beta (it's worth noting that OpenAI also have a model confusingly called text-davinci-002 which converts natural language to code, which is not what we want). It's free but has a beta waiting list. There is a jupyterlab attempt at this called jupyterlab-codex . It may have worked at some point given the search results, eg. https://medium.com/codex/jupyter-notebook-can-do-that-b3185058fe76 . So a thing to keep an eye out for is "Jupyter + Codex" in addition to "Jupyter + copilot".

Jupyter note book can also run on PyCharm or DataShell, with which copilot is compatible.

Other code completion AI may also worth considering. Tabnine, which can run directly on the browser for jupyter lab or notebook, is available for free or as a more powerful paid version.

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