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How to extract doc from avro data and add it to dataframe

I'm trying to create hive/impala tables base on avro files in HDFS. The tool for doing the transformations is Spark.

I can't use spark.read.format("avro") to load the data into a dataframe, as in that way the doc part (description of the column) will be lost. I can see the doc by doing:

 input = sc.textFile("/path/to/avrofile")
 avro_schema = input.first() # not sure what type it is 

The problem is, it's a nested schema and I'm not sure how to traverse it to map the doc to the column description in dataframe. I'd like to have doc to the column description of the table. For example, the input schema looks like:

"fields": [
     "type": [
     "doc": "Real name of the product"
     "default": null
     "name" : "currentSellers",
     "type": [
         "type": "record",
         "name": "sellers",
              "name": "location",
                   "type": "record"
                   "name": "sellerlocation",
                   "fields": [
                       "type": [
                       "doc": "Name of the location",
                       "type": [
                       "doc": "Area of the location",#The comment needs to be added to table comments
                         .... #These are nested fields 

In the final table, for example one field name would be currentSellers_locationName , with column description "Name of the location". Could someone please help to shed some light on how to parse the schema and add the doc to description? and explain a bit about what this below bit is about outside of the fields? Many thanks. Let me know if I can explain it better.

         "name" : "currentSellers",
     "type": [
         "type": "record",
         "name": "sellers",

Code from @bzu

from flatdict import FlatterDict

flat_schema = FlatterDict(schema)  # schema as python dict

names = {k.replace(':name', ''): flat_schema[k] for k in flat_schema if k.endswith(':name')}
docs = {k.replace(':doc', ''): flat_schema[k] for k in flat_schema if k.endswith(':doc')}

keys_with_doc = set(names.keys()) & set(docs.keys())

full_name = lambda key: '_'.join(
    names[k] for k in sorted(names, key=len) if key.startswith(k) and k.split(':')[-2] == 'fields'
name_doc_map = {full_name(k): docs[k] for k in keys_with_doc}




value = flatdict.FlatterDict({'list': ['a', 'b', 'c']})

will be the same as:

value == {'list:0': 'a', 'list:1': 'b', 'list:2': 'c'}

So basically your nested list basically will look like this:

{"fields0": ..., "fields1": ...}

More information about FlatterDict here

set(names.keys()) & set(docs.keys())

The names.keys() and docs.keys get all the keys from the dictionary, and currently there are multiple values, so we have to put them into a set to be grouped into one variable. The line then uses & to perform a bitwise operator on the two sets, essentially finding all duplicates in both sets and putting them into keys_with_doc . Eg

a={1:"a", 3:"c", 4:"d"}
b={1:"a", 2:"b"}
name=set(a.keys()) & set(b.keys())

>>> {1}

Keys are the ones on the left:

dict = {1:"a",2:"b"}


This lambda function is tricky. It joins a bunch of stuff with "_". This "bunch of stuff" is the dictionary of names , which a loop will run through and extract names[k] from the sorted names dictionary using key=len and an if statement. Basically by using this lambda in name_doc_map , you are creating a new dictionary that resorts and conditions from the original set keys_with_doc along with docs .

Looking at: https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/connector/avro/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/avro/SchemaConverters.scala#L58

It seems like Spark's implementation of the schema converter does not call the getDoc function in the org.apache.avro.Schema object or the doc function of the org.apache.avro.Schema.Field objects it iterates through

It only reads the type metadata and tries to convert it to Spark's internal type objects (StructType, StringType, LongType, etc...)

The only 2 solutions I can think of are:

  1. reading one or some of the files yourself and parsing the schema
  2. Save the schema in a seperate file which should be easy enough to parse since its plain JSON

If you would like to parse the schema yourself and manually add metadata to spark, I would suggest flatdict package:

from flatdict import FlatterDict

flat_schema = FlatterDict(schema)  # schema as python dict

names = {k.replace(':name', ''): flat_schema[k] for k in flat_schema if k.endswith(':name')}
docs = {k.replace(':doc', ''): flat_schema[k] for k in flat_schema if k.endswith(':doc')}

keys_with_doc = set(names.keys()) & set(docs.keys())

# full name can be adjusted depending on Avro column names
full_name = lambda key: '_'.join(names[k] for k in sorted(names, key=len) if key.startswith(k))
name_doc_map = {full_name(k): docs[k] for k in keys_with_doc}

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