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How to create an interface by combining interfaces from different packages?


For code base I am using pion/rtpio package.

I am trying to extend the interface RTPwriter by adding a Close() function to it. The goal is to make a NewRTPWritCloser() function that return a writeCloser with the combined functions.

From the package, I see the author already created the interface RTPWriteCloser

type RTPWriteCloser interface {


I made this to reuse the function, which is wrong but I didn't know the alternative yet:

func NewRTPWriteCloser(wc io.WriteCloser) rtpio.RTPWriteCloser {
    writeCloser := rtpio.NewRTPWriter(wc)
    return writeCloser

and expected that the wc have its own Close() function ready, so the returned writeCloser will satisfy the interface RTPWriteCloser . However, I got (missing method Close) as an error.

The function NewRTPWriter() is like this:

func NewRTPWriter(w io.Writer) RTPWriter {
    return &RawRTPWriter{
        dst: w,


  • How do we create an instance with all desired functions from multiple embedded interfaces at the same time to satisfy the embedding interface ?
  • In this example, we want to create NewRTPWriteCloser function for RTPWriteCloser interface, but we can not create first a writer then add Close function to it ?
  • Do I have to create a struct of RTPWriteCloser and rewrite all necessary functions that take in that struct ? (seems inefficient)


I did my own searching for example: interfaces inside interface and combining or extending interfaces , but they don't get me to the end to understand my problem.

I believe you will need to create a new struct as you suggest to implement your interface, let's call it RawRTPWriterCloser and add the implementation for Close() .

You can embed structs in other structs however, so the Close() method is the only function you'll need to additionally define:

type RawRTPWriterCloser struct {

func (rw *RawRTPWriterCloser) Close() error {
    panic("add implementation here")

You should define a adapter struct, adding the io.Closer semantics to your base type:

type WrappingRTPWriteCloser struct {
    w RTPWriter
    c io.Closer

You should then define the Close method to satisfy the interface:

func (w *WrappingRTPWriteCloser) Close() error {
    return w.c.Close()

Then you should create a new reference of your wrapping struct, upon an instance creation:

func NewRTPWriteCloser(wc io.WriteCloser) rtpio.RTPWriteCloser {
    writeCloser := WrappingRTPWriteCloser{
            w: rtpio.NewRTPWriter(wc),
            c: wd,
    return writeCloser

An alternative solution, would be to use the RTPPipe function provided out of the box by the package and which returns both an RTPReadCloser and a RTPWriteCloser instance (piping the RTPReadCloser input to the RTPWriteCloser output):

// RTPPipe creates a new RTPPipe and returns the reader and writer.
func RTPPipe() (RTPReadCloser, RTPWriteCloser) {
    r, w := io.Pipe()
    return &pipeRTPReader{closer: r, rtpReader: NewRTPReader(r, 1500)}, &pipeRTPWriter{closer: w, rtpWriter: NewRTPWriter(w)}

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