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Plotly - Pie chart with percentage and one decimal case

I'm having trouble while setting the labels of my pie chart (plotly Global Object) to percentage with only 1 decimal place.

When I set texttemplate = "%{percent}"

with texttemplate = "%{percent:.1f}"

My code right now:

fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(labels=X,
    textfont = {'family': "Montserrat"},
    texttemplate = "%{percent:.1f}",
    marker = {'colors': paleta, 'line':{'color': 'white', 'width':2}}
fig.update_traces(hoverinfo='label+percent', textinfo='value', textfont_size=10, sort=True,
    direction='clockwise', rotation = 0)

Maybe just add af:

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In [1]: from decimal import Decimal

In [2]: percent = Decimal('5.323')

In [3]: "%{percent:.1f}"
Out[3]: '%{percent:.1f}'

In [4]: f"%{percent:.1f}"
Out[4]: '%5.3'

Thank you for the time Waket Zheng, but I've got an error as percent was not defined.

After reading texttemplate documentation I've found out that it was needed to change the syntax of the parameter:

Instead of texttemplate = "%{percent:.1f}"

Using texttemplate = "%{value:.1%}"

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