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IBMi/IBMMQ QMQM subsystem stops

I'm still new to MQ and have tried upgraded and downgraded for testing purposes. After I downgraded from 9.2 to MQ 9.1 everything works but I noticed that the qmqm subsystem will be working for hours then will just stop. I checked the QM logs but unable to find anything there.

Please point me to the right direction on where to start investigating

Joblogs would have errors. Sounds like a Manager crash.
But even that would not end the subsystem QMQM.

So if subsystem QMQM is ended (which would cause the crash of the Manager), check QHST for the time period leading up to the QMQM subsystem ending. Is someone/thing ENDSBS QMQM *IMMED? Look for CPF0995 which would have the user profile and backtrack from there.

Unless you mean "subsystem QMQM ended" in the generic sense to describe all the AMQ* Manager jobs crashing and that the actual subsystem is still active.

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