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How to remove animation in SwiftUI NavigationLink when tapping specific views

There is a favorite button in my view which has NavigationLink. Each time I press the favorite button, opacity animations also shows. I don't want to show any animation while I tapping the favorite buttons. I know how to remove animation at whole view, but I hope the animation works when I press outside of favorite buttons.

HStack {
    Image(systemName: "a.book.closed.fill")
    FavoriteButton(isFavorite: $isFavorite)
        .onChange(of: isFavorite) { newValue in
            book.isFavorite = newValue

This is my book row view

ScrollView {
    ForEach(model.savedBookEntities) { elem in
        NavigationLink() {
            VocaView(book: elem)
        } label: {
            BookRow(book: elem)
        .contextMenu() {
            // Some context menus

and this is my ScrollView in NavigationView

Animation happens on animatable parameter changing. If FavoriteButton does not change anything else inside, then try to disable animation for isFavorite , like

HStack {
    Image(systemName: "a.book.closed.fill")
    FavoriteButton(isFavorite: $isFavorite)
        .onChange(of: isFavorite) { newValue in
            book.isFavorite = newValue
        .animation(nil, value: isFavorite)   // << here !!
//.animation(nil, value: isFavorite)   // << or here !!

also book.isFavorite might affect, so if above would not work for you try the same with book.isFavorite .

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