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Why internet connection status is not listened in Cubit Constructor when running code in flutter web

I use from connectivity_plus for listening to internet connection and handling status with flutter cubit.

when i run code on flutter web, status stay on NetLoading() untill once, i turn off(turn on) internet, but with run on android device not exist problem.

my Cubit

class NetConnectionCubit extends Cubit<NetConnectionState> {
  final Connectivity _connectivity = Connectivity();
  late StreamSubscription _connectivityStreamSubscription;

  NetConnectionCubit() : super(NetLoading()) {
    _connectivityStreamSubscription =
      (result) {
        if (result == ConnectivityResult.none) {
        } else {

  void emitNetConnected() => emit(NetConnected());

  void emitNetDisConnected() => emit(NetDisconnected());

  /// close(cancel) _connectivityStreamSubscription
  /// but we know in all of app lifecycle this stream bust be live
  /// so this function never be run
  Future<void> close() {
    return super.close();

and BlocBuilder

      providers: [
        BlocProvider<NetConnectionCubit>(create: (_) => NetConnectionCubit()),
      child: BlocBuilder<NetConnectionCubit, NetConnectionState>(
        builder: (context, state) {
          return child()

Use checkConnectivity to check current status. Changes are only exposed to the stream.

final connectivityResult = await Connectivity().checkConnectivity();

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