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import modin.pandas causes ERROR: AttributeError: type object 'pyarrow.lib.Message' has no attribute '__reduce_cython__'


  • I have installed conda install -c conda-forge modin
  • When I import import modin.pandas as pd
  • I get an error message

Tried solutions

Error Message

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-f6aea802f5ba> in <module>
      2 import openpyxl
----> 4 import modin.pandas as pd
      5 ##import pandas as pd

~/anaconda3/envs/tfall/lib/python3.7/site-packages/modin/pandas/__init__.py in <module>
    171 from .. import __version__
--> 172 from .dataframe import DataFrame
    173 from .io import (
    174     read_csv,

~/anaconda3/envs/tfall/lib/python3.7/site-packages/modin/pandas/dataframe.py in <module>
     46 from .series import Series
     47 from .base import BasePandasDataset, _ATTRS_NO_LOOKUP
---> 48 from .groupby import DataFrameGroupBy
     49 from .accessor import CachedAccessor, SparseFrameAccessor

~/anaconda3/envs/tfall/lib/python3.7/site-packages/modin/pandas/groupby.py in <module>
     32     wrap_into_list,
     33 )
---> 34 from modin.backends.base.query_compiler import BaseQueryCompiler
     35 from modin.data_management.functions.default_methods.groupby_default import GroupBy
     36 from modin.config import IsExperimental

~/anaconda3/envs/tfall/lib/python3.7/site-packages/modin/backends/__init__.py in <module>
     17 __all__ = ["BaseQueryCompiler", "PandasQueryCompiler"]
     18 try:
---> 19     from .pyarrow import PyarrowQueryCompiler  # noqa: F401
     20 except ImportError:
     21     pass

~/anaconda3/envs/tfall/lib/python3.7/site-packages/modin/backends/pyarrow/__init__.py in <module>
     14 """The module represents the query compiler level for the PyArrow backend."""
---> 16 from .query_compiler import PyarrowQueryCompiler
     18 __all__ = ["PyarrowQueryCompiler"]

~/anaconda3/envs/tfall/lib/python3.7/site-packages/modin/backends/pyarrow/query_compiler.py in <module>
     26 from pandas.core.computation.ops import UnaryOp, BinOp, Term, MathCall, Constant
---> 28 import pyarrow as pa
     29 import pyarrow.gandiva as gandiva

~/anaconda3/envs/tfall/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyarrow/__init__.py in <module>
---> 54 from pyarrow.lib import cpu_count, set_cpu_count
     55 from pyarrow.lib import (null, bool_,
     56                          int8, int16, int32, int64,

~/anaconda3/envs/tfall/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyarrow/ipc.pxi in init pyarrow.lib()

AttributeError: type object 'pyarrow.lib.Message' has no attribute '__reduce_cython__'


  • Requires: Python >=3.8 (current version LINK )
  • "I got AttributeError: type object 'pandas._libs.tslib._TSObject' has no attribute 'reduce_cython' as well. I solved this problem by using pandas-0.20.3, cython-0.27.3 and python-3.5." LINK
conda install -c conda-forge modin-all

Working code

import modin.pandas as pd
from distributed import Client
client = Client()

df = pd.read_csv('my_data.csv')  

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