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How to get a Date object from a 12 hour time string

I am trying to provide a default value for a TimePicker object. But the that value I have is a string eg "12:00 PM" And the picker needs a Date object.

I tried parsing the time directly into a Date object like shown below, but it does not work

let startTime = new Date("12:00 PM");

How can i convert this time string into a Date object so that i can provide the default value to the TimePicker.


<input id="appt-time" type="time" name="appt-time" value="13:30">


const timeFrom12hto24h = time12h => {
  const [time, meridiem] = time12h.split(" ");
  let [hours, minutes] = time.split(":");
  if (hours === "12") hours = "00";
  if (meridiem === "PM") hours = parseInt(hours, 10) + 12;
  return {hours, minutes}

const getMyObjectTime= timeFrom12hto24h('12:00 PM');

// apply the time to the HTML element
document.getElementById("appt-time").value = getMyObjectTime.hours + ':' + getMyObjectTime.minutes;

// one way to generate the needed time object
const dateInMiliseconds = new Date().setHours(getMyObjectTime.hours, getMyObjectTime.minutes, 0)

In case there is moment.js already used in the project it would be like this:


<input id="appt-time" type="time" name="appt-time" value="13:30">


// apply the time to the HTML element
document.getElementById("appt-time").value = moment("01:00 PM", 'hh:mm A').format('HH:mm')

// one way to generate the needed time object
let [hour, minutes] =  moment("01:00 PM", 'hh:mm A').format('HH,mm').split(',');
const dateInMiliseconds = new Date().setHours(hour,minutes, 0)

Ive been able to create a function that can do the conversion, since I did not find any solution to this.

const dateFromTime = ({ timeString }) => {
    const dateTime = new Date();
    let timeHours = parseInt(timeString.substring(0, 2));
    let timeMinutes = parseInt(timeString.substring(3, 5));
    let timeAMPM = timeString.substring(6,
    if (timeAMPM === "PM") {
        timeHours += 12;

    dateTime.setHours( timeHours, timeMinutes, 0, 0);
    return dateTime;
const dateTime = dateFromTime({ timeString: "12:00 PM" });

This get the current date and time and instead sets the time to the specified time. and returns that

For any improvements, please suggest the right way to do this.

I used date-and-time package to format current time. It's worked for me.

npm install date-and-time


const date = require("date-and-time");

const now = new Date();
const startTime = date.format(now, "HH:mm:ss");

You just need to give the correct format to the Date object.

solution 1

If you don't care about date then you can simply convert like this.

let startTime = new Date(`2022/01/01 12:00 PM`);

solution 2

If you need today's date then you can simply convert like this.

let startTime = new Date(`${new Date().toDateString()} 12:00 PM`)

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