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Automator Quick action to Move JPG that have RAW copy

i have a pictures in a folder with the similar names but different extension


I need to move.JPG files that have corresponding.NEF into a subfolder called "jpeg duplicate of NEF" i have been using a such script on Windows

chcp 1252 >NUL
color A
if exist "jpeg duplicate of NEF"\ goto :move
if not exist "jpeg duplicate of NEF" mkdir "jpeg duplicate of NEF"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error create "jpeg duplicate of NEF"
goto :end
) else (
echo ......Directory created jpeg duplicate of NEF......
for %%I in (*.jpg) do if exist %%~dI%%~pI%%~nI.NEF move "%%I" "%%~dI%%~pIjpeg duplicate of NEF\"
echo ____________jpeg duplicate to folder, NEF leave in main folder____________

But now i'm using MacBook and would like use similar script as a quick action. (i think it has to be bash script?) Can you help me with this please?

This may be what you want:

cd '/Volumes/Foto/_TMP move JPG test' || exit
mkdir -p 'jpeg duplicate of NEF'
for jpeg in *.jpg; do
    [[ -f ${jpeg%jpg}NEF ]] && mv "$jpeg" 'jpeg duplicate of NEF'

It shows an error, and creating a folder "jpeg duplicate of NEF" but inside users directory not inside the current directory (like this /Users/aleksandr/jpeg duplicate of NEF)



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