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Passing scriptblock as an argument to Invoke-Command scriptblock in powershell

I have a powershell script in which I have been trying to pass scriptblock(ie $sb) as an argument to another scriptblock. However, I keep getting error that:

Cannot convert the "{get-member}" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock


$sb = {get-member}
# $type = $sb.GetType().FullName => Returns scriptblock as data type
$result = Invoke-Command -Session "DC" -Scriptblock
 //Do some task
} -ArgumentList $sb

I am not able to figure out why $sb is treated as a string instead of Scriptblock?

The only way it works is changing the argument inside the Invoke-Command scriptblock to be of type string instead of Scriptblock. I am not sure why scriptblocks gets implicitly converted to string while passing argument to Invoke-Command scriptblock.

When a script block (type [scriptblock] , {... } as a literal) is passed to code that executes out-of-process , such as during remoting (your case) or in background jobs , XML-based serialization and deserialization must be performed.

On deserialization in the target process, [scriptblock] instances indeed unexpectedly become strings .

Unfortunately and bewilderingly, this behavior has been declared by design ( ) - see GitHub issue #11698 .

Your only option is to pass the script block('s source code) as a string , and convert it back to a script block via [scriptblock]::Create() ; a simple example, using a background job:

Start-Job { 

  param([string] $scriptBlockSourceCode) # Note the type: [string]

  # Use [scriptblock]::Create() to turn the string into a script block,
  # and execute it with &
  & ([scriptblock]::Create($scriptBlockSourceCode))

} -ArgumentList { 'hi' } |
  Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemove

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