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Google Sheets IMPORTXML - Dealing with null values

I am trying to pull data from https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=33.4456&lon=-112.0674&FcstType=digitalDWML


I need the coverage attribute under weather-conditions, but also need to know if the weather-condition is null. Each "weather-conditions" listed is an hourly value, so a null value is "no chance."

The following xpath gets me the coverage attribute:


I had thought the following xpath would get me the null values as "true" but I'm not having luck:


Final code I have (not working):

=IMPORTXML("https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=33.4456&lon=-112.0674&FcstType=digitalDWML", "//weather-conditions/value[contains(@weather-type,'rain')]/@coverage | //weather-conditions/@xsi:nil")

In your situation, how about the following XPath?

Sample xpath:

//*[local-name()='weather-conditions']/*[local-name()='value'][@weather-type='rain']/@coverage | //*[local-name()='weather-conditions']/@*[name()='xsi:nil']

Sample formula:

=IMPORTXML(A1,"//*[local-name()='weather-conditions']/*[local-name()='value'][@weather-type='rain']/@coverage | //*[local-name()='weather-conditions']/@*[name()='xsi:nil']")
  • In this case, the cell "A1" has the URL of https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=33.4456&lon=-112.0674&FcstType=digitalDWML .


When this sample formula is used, the following result is obtained.



  • For example, if you want to convert TRUE to empty, I thought that a formula of =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A2:A=TRUE,,A2:A)) might be able to be used.

  • This path is for your provided URL. So, when you change the URL this XPath might not be able to be used. Please be careful about this.

This is the best result I could get:


I used this formula:

=IMPORTXML("https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=33.4456&lon=-112.0674&FcstType=digitalDWML", "//weather-conditions/value[contains(@weather-type,'rain')]/@coverage  | //data/parameters/weather/weather-conditions")

However, I can't certainly say if this is pulling exactly what you need since I do not know the exact amount of "nulls" we should expect in the results.

Maybe it can be a starting point to achieve your final goal.



this site uses namespace, so you have to use local-name() to retrieve the informations



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