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DirectorySearcher can't find fax property

I am useing DirectorySearcher to find details about the current user.

UserPrincipal u = UserPrincipal.Current;
DirectoryEntry? user = u.GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry;
DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(user);
    "fax", "displayName", "streetAddress", "department", "telephoneNumber"
var entry = ds.FindOne();

"fax" is not in the Property collection

I confirmd that the value is set in the AD.

Powershell displays it correctly

PS C:\Users\Henrik Halbritter> get-aduser "Henrik Halbritter" -Property "fax" | select -Property fax


Instead of fax , try FacsimileTelephoneNumber . AD property names can be very inconsistent in the way they are referenced.

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