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Jquery ajax get data from localhost (json)

I started to work on the Website for our FiveM Server today and want to get the data of a .json file, which is located on our server, from our server. The problem is, that i can't get get access to the local file from our server... Im working on this since hours and can't find a solution for this problem.

Console Error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Javascript / JQuery

$(function() {

  $(document).ready(function () {
      type : "GET",
      url: "",
      dataType: "json",
      success: function (data) {
        console.log(data[0].clients + " " + data[0].sv_maxclients);


I would appreciate any type of help <3

i have had this issue when testing ajax calls alot, and the solution i found easiest when using localhost is to download an exstention called "CORS Everywhere"

You can then tell it to unblock CORS for certain websites, i only use it for localhost.

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